85 years young, 85 years old
The type of language we use to describe “older” people tells us a lot about our attitudes to ageing.
There are many terms that were commonplace 10/20 years ago, which thankfully have been shuffled out of the way.
That still leaves us with what is acceptable.
In my opinion, that is where it can become very simple or very difficult.
One size fits all isn’t a great formula, and recognising that we are individuals and therefore will have different preferences isn’t a complex concept to grasp but does seem a difficult one to act on.Personally and irrationally, I’m not a fan of the “X years young” approach. It always feels ageist and even more so when describing yourself!
I am pretty sure my preference will change in time, but for now, I quite like the “Ronseal” approach (A rather British expression, dear reader, for being exactly what it is with no frills). We are what we are, and if people don’t like it, more fool them!
I have seen people become very agitated by the language (and let us not go for the imagery, yet there is a heap more to be said about that).
The growing movement of owning your age (whatever it is) strikes me as a good thing. No reason for us to be trying to pretend we are something we aren’t. In a world where many of us will get to live to well past 100 being comfortable with higher numbers is going to be a necessity!
Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels